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產(chǎn)品中心您現在的位置:首頁(yè) > 產(chǎn)品展示 > RF錄制儀 > 營(yíng)電4420 > RF錄制儀 4420

RF錄制儀 4420



RF錄制儀 4420This device can record an RF signal in the fields and the recorded data can be taken out. Then , they can be reproduced in factories or laboratories. Therefore, operations of receivers can



RF錄制儀 4420

The device is designed as compact size and light weight and equips the record part and the reproduction part. (A PC for the control and SSD or HDD in RAID configuration are needed other than the main body ) Features (A PC for the control and SSD or HDD in RAID configuration are needed other than the main body.) - This device can be used under DC +12 V when using the DC-DC adaptor of the option. (Prepare external batteries separay.)

- This device corresponds to the frequency in the range from 450 kHz to 1000 MHz. (The frequency in the range from 50kHz to 30MHz and from 1000MHz to 3000MHz is possible by carrying the option.)

- The frequency band can be chosen from “8 MHz”, “24 MHz”, “40 MHz” or “54 MHz”. (In the cases of “40 MHz” and “54 MHz”, only the half rate mode can be used.) (*2)

- If the 6TByte HDD of the option is used, the recording time of the 8 MHz band is 36 hours.

- This device is controlled from the PC The user interface provides excellen This device is controlled from the PC. The user interface provides excellent operability and visibility operability and visibility.

- The spectrum can be displayed. Therefore, the signal can be recorded while the spectrum is confirmed. - A Low Noise Amplifier is equipped for the RF input. Therefore, this device corresponds to the weak electric field.

- The Auto Cal function that sets the level at the recording automatically when the RF signal is captured is equipped.

- The time and the location information can be buried into the recorded data, when using the GPS antenna of the option. Therefore, the recording route and the signal level at the points can be displayed on the map, if the dedicated software is used.

- This device can share existing data captured by existing devices. Therefore, old data can be used effectively.

- This device sets the frequency and the level at the recording automaticall This device sets the frequency and the level at the recording automatically when reproducing the data. when reproducing the data.

- This device equips the inversion function of the polarity at the reproduction.

- This device can reproduce data of A74 standard in ATSC.






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  • 補充說(shuō)明:

  • 驗證碼:





版權所有:深圳市君輝電子有限公司  備案號:粵ICP備13029163號  總訪(fǎng)問(wèn)量:284991  站點(diǎn)地圖  技術(shù)支持:化工儀器網(wǎng)  管理登陸

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